Monday, June 17, 2013

Patch's New Collar

So we were hosting Patch's, my brother's 17 year old puppy while they were on vacation and I wanted to spruce her up a bit.  Hence, her new collar which I found here
She loves it!  She is acting like a silly little bouncy puppy again.
Here was her before her flowers.  After I couldn't even keep up with her for the picture ;-)

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Same pattern, 3 different size thread.  Worsted weight, size 3 and size 10 crochet thread.  Found this pattern somewhere online and it was adapted from a pattern written in 1893.

Garden's Growing!

I guess I probably should have weeded before the pictures not after.  These are sunflowers along the fence and some wildflowers and assorted weeds ;-)  Also my cinderblock garden I got from Pinterest.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Winning Cozy!

Here is Dad with his early Father's Day gift.  Who would have guessed when I gave it to him that it would win me the crochet along contest

My first Violets!

My African violet is going to give me it's first flowers!
Some of the flowers on my Night Blooming Cereus.

Pegboard for my yarn

I got this idea from Pinterest and I love it.  I had to order more hooks for my smaller crochet thread.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Different Dishclothes!

These are me practicing new stitches.  These are both patterns from that I downloaded for free.  The red-white-blue is called a "Grit Stitch" and the brown & white is called a "Sedge Stitch"  I enjoyed making both of them but they seem a bit small although I still struggle with my tension and I don't count gauge.

Crocheted Dishclothes!

Just to document the only successful crocheting I have done prior to the Crochet-Along Mug.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Sunshine Mug Project!

So I have just learned to crochet and this is my Good Morning Sunshine Cozy project I made from the Crochet Along on
This is my first project that was not a dishcloth and it was a lot of fun.  Now I get to be entered to win some Red Heart yarn for participating.  Yeh!


I  Won !!!!!!!!!
I won the contest!  Oh my, this is my first win of anything ever.
Thank you so much to  for picking me ;-)